Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In Love with the Roma!

Oren got home on Sunday night and we are so happy he is back. He has told us amazing stories about what God did through our FBC missionaries in Romania. A total of 37 Roma people found hope in Christ by accepting him as their savior during the week that Oren was in Cluj and the surrounding villages. All of the students that went on the trip have said they are ready to return. I have decided that I am going next year and I am falling in love with the people by just learning about them and hearing their stories. I want to bring them all home with me in 2008!

Continue praying for these people. Pray that they are shown God's love by future missionaries. Also, pray that the hearts of the Romanian people are changed. Romanian preachers have said from pulpits that the Roma People have no souls. What a sad thought that these people are treated as outcasts by fellow believers.