Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wedding Day

Alex was the Ring Bearer in Craig Rush and Bethany Robertson's wedding today. Craig is our pastors son and Bethany is the daughter of some friends of ours at church. Alex did a pretty good job. He did however get a mysterious stomach ache every time he was on stage and could not manage to stand on his feet, so he had to sit down on the steps. He was cute. At one point he sprawled out on his stomach and watched the wedding while he laid on the steps! I'm sure there will be some pretty funny pictures.
Though, I must say that he was the most handsome guy in the church. Really! I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom...he really was the cutest, most handsome boy/man there! It is true that me being his mom makes me want to tell everyone how handsome he is, but who could argue with me! Right? :)

This is a picture of the Bride, Bethany Rush, and our precious little girl, Bethany Conner. Our Bethany was in the nursery during the wedding, but she had a great time eating cake and dancing with the band during the reception. She is just as beautiful as Alex is handsome!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to Alex!!!!!

Alex had a great party today! He loved all of his gifts and his ice cream cake. It was fun for us to suprise him with his gift. We got him a John Deere Gator. He had no idea that we got it for him. We hid it in the breeze way while he opened all of the other gifts. Then I told him to look behind the door to see his last gift. You can look at the top picture to see his reaction. He's so cute. He really enjoyed his party and can't wait until tomorrow when he will "really" be 4. (By the way, Bethany slept through the entire party!)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy EARLY Birthday!

On Saturday, June 10 our family went to the Bossier Boardwalk with the Dark's to have an early celebration of Alex's birthday. We had a really good time. We went to Bass Pro Shop and let the kids get a toy, look at fish and shoot toy guns at decoy ducks. Next we went to Joe's Crab Shack where Alex and Carley danced and danced and danced. When the waitress came to our table to tell the entire restaurant that it was Alex's birthday he said, "I'm not getting up, It's not my birthday!" (We had to explain that we were celebrating his birthday just a little early and that everyone has the right to celebrate their birthday for at least a week!) After the kids were tired of dancing we headed toward the movie theatre and went to see "Cars" the new Disney/Pixar movie. It was really cute and Alex loved it (which is a good thing since it is what kind of birthday party he wanted to have!) After the movie we tried to ride the trolley, but it was too full to get all 8 of us on, so we let the kids ride on the carousel instead. It was a good day and everyone fell fast asleep on the way home!


We have been to the "Arctic Edge" this week. Alex has had a blast singing with the "3 Mountain Men". I've enjoyed being at "Glacier Pass" and Oren has been sore everyday from playing at "Kayak Cove". If you haven't guessed it yet, this is Vacation Bible School week at FBC-Natchitoches. (This is why I haven't done very many blogs this past week!)

On Thursday we are having family night and Alex is going to get to sing the songs he has been learning all week from the "3 Mountain Men". He is such a ham he is going to love being on stage! We would love for all of you to join us if you are available!

I pray all of your churches have(or had) a VBS that is as good as ours!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Water Fun

After lunch we went outside to play and Alex wanted to go swimming. Since we don't have a pool we pulled out the sprinkler. Alex had a lot of fun. Bethany did not like it! She sat with me on the swing while Alex ran and jumped through the water. He had a blast. After playing for about an hour both of the kids got thirsty. Bethany found Alex's Capri Sun and Alex found the sprinkler. He's so Silly!

Saturday, June 03, 2006


We have only been on our summer vacation for a week now, but we are having a great time. We are trying to stick to a schedule so the kids don't get bored. We have a daily walk or bike ride, we have TV time, and Alex has "learning" time. He almost knows the entire alphabet, but their are a few letters he gets confused about. He's working hard to learn them because Oren promised to get him a new Tee when he can put all of the refrigerator magnets in order without any help.

We also have playtime outside which is Bethany's favorite time, and we have nap time. Once nap time is over Daddy is home and we sit and eat supper together. We hear the ice cream man drive by but we haven't been able to catch him yet. Alex said today we are going to get him to stop.

One of my favorite times is when we listen to music from our new computer and dance around the house. Bethany is even learning to head bang thanks to Oren!

So, our days aren't as busy as they were during the school year, but we are having a lot of fun hanging out together.

New Computer

We got a new computer this past week. You would think that we would'nt be able to get off of a new toy, but we've had a different problem. Alex and Bethany won't get out of the boxes! They have had so much fun coloring the boxes, climbing in them, putting stickers on them and hiding from Daddy in them. We paid a lot of money for UPS to deliver the most fun boxes in the world, but I guess it has been worth it. (Oren and I have actually enjoyed playing and working on the computer. Our "Computer Closet" looks great.)