Saturday, June 24, 2006

Wedding Day

Alex was the Ring Bearer in Craig Rush and Bethany Robertson's wedding today. Craig is our pastors son and Bethany is the daughter of some friends of ours at church. Alex did a pretty good job. He did however get a mysterious stomach ache every time he was on stage and could not manage to stand on his feet, so he had to sit down on the steps. He was cute. At one point he sprawled out on his stomach and watched the wedding while he laid on the steps! I'm sure there will be some pretty funny pictures.
Though, I must say that he was the most handsome guy in the church. Really! I'm not just saying that because I'm his mom...he really was the cutest, most handsome boy/man there! It is true that me being his mom makes me want to tell everyone how handsome he is, but who could argue with me! Right? :)

This is a picture of the Bride, Bethany Rush, and our precious little girl, Bethany Conner. Our Bethany was in the nursery during the wedding, but she had a great time eating cake and dancing with the band during the reception. She is just as beautiful as Alex is handsome!


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