Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Today has been nice. I was awaken by breakfast in bed and Alex told me he loves me (That was the best part of the day). Then we got ready for church. Church was great. My Sunday School class seemed alive and they actually interacted. We even had 2 visitors! Worship is always good at our church. Brother Tommy's messages are so great to listen to and I love to sing praise songs to God. After church we went out to eat at an Italian restaurant then we went home and everyone took a nap (AWESOME!). When we woke up we went back to church. We ate supper at Sonic with some of the youth and now we're at home getting ready for bed. It's been a good day.

OH! I almost forgot. My family gave me a pair of beautiful pearl earrings for my Mother's Day gift. I am so blessed. I love them very much.

We also love all of our Mom's and Grandmom's. Happy Mother's Day to you all!


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