Saturday, July 21, 2007

Romania Mission

Oren is leaving Friday, July 27 to go to Romania. He and a team from our church will be joining up with World Changers and working in Cluj and outlying villages for approximately 10 days. They will be working with the Roma People Group (aka - Gypsies).

Pray for the Roma People. They are true outcasts in their community. Generally, the Roma are known as thieves, beggars, fortune tellers, musicians, and dancers. These stereotypes of the Roma often lead to discrimination and prejudice.
This begins as soon as Roma children enter school. Gypsy kids are made to sit in the back of the class and many are tossed out of school because they are not seen as people who can become anything of worth in society. Therefore, children often times are forced to become beggars and thieves in order to help provide for their families.
They are described as the "poorest, least healthy, least educated and most discriminated people in society!" (The Commission on Security and Corporation in Europe)

Pray for our students and adults as they work with these people and show them that there is hope in Christ.

To learn more about what Oren and the rest of the team will be doing and to keep track of their journey, check out these websites:


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