Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Bionic Man

Oren is getting his pump turned on Monday morning at 8:30. We are very excited. Oren had a class with the area Diabetic specialist on Friday. She showed us how to count his carbs for the pump and she taught Oren how to put it on. Once we figure out all of Oren's specifics, this pump is going to keep his blood sugar so much more stable than it has been since he was diagnosed 11 years ago. In a few months we will be able to buy the additional feature in the picture above. It is a continuous blood glucose monitor. This is the main reason we chose this pump. It will alert Oren if his blood sugar goes too high or drops too low. This is exciting! Scientists are getting closer and closer to creating a completely electronic pancreas.

Learning more and more about this pump and hearing what it can do proves to me, all the more, that we are created. There is no way our organs could know how to do all of that math without the help of God. We did not evolve!

Please pray for Oren as we learn to count his carb grams and he learns how to work the pump. God has blessed us on the financial end of all of this. We are not paying a penny for a $6000.00 machine. So,I know it is his plan for Oren to get this at this point of his life. Now we just have to figure out how much insulin he needs each day. (The diabetic specialist says that he will need less insulin now that he has the pump, which is great news.) Please pray for no dramatic lows and no sky rocketing highs.

This is an exciting time for us and we appreciate your prayers.

Friday, October 19, 2007

New Chair!

The new fad in Natchitoches is having garage sales on Friday from 3:00 pm until dark. This was great for me today because I went on a walk around 2:00 and came upon a Garage Sale. I stopped because I know the family (I used to teach their daughter at PDO) and while I was talking to them and looking for clothes for the kids, I spotted a chair! I thought it was very pretty, but figured that it would be out of my price range. I asked how much they wanted for it and, to my surprise, she told me $20. I asked her to hold it for me and Oren drove back over there to get it. I think it's perfect.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Go McNesse?

We went to the McNesse game on Saturday night. It was a lot of fun, but it felt wrong cheering, "Go Cowboys!" I do wish the NSU games were more like the MSU games. The stadium was packed, students were actually there and the team won! BTW--Even though we couldn't get him to slow down long enough for a picture, we did see Uncle 'T' (aka-Tommy). He is a very busy man, but is doing a superb job as Athletic Director! We are very proud of him.

Fishing with Pepere'

Last weekend we took a trip to Eunice. Pepere' took the kids fishing in a stock pond and they caught 10 fish in approximately 45 minutes! I think it might be a world record. When we returned to the house, the kids "helped" Pepere' clean the fish. And of course, on Saturday we all helped to eat the fish that Alex and Bethany caught. They were very yummy! (and so were the store bought one's with no bones!)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Harvest Festival Costumes

We have been getting costumes ready for our church's upcoming Harvest Festival. Last year I waited until the last minute and ran around town like a chicken with my head cut off. I decided to get on the ball and do things a little earlier this year.

No surprise, Bethany wants to be a princess. We went to Wal-Mart and bought her a beautiful princess dress and she could not be any happier! Alex decided that he wants to be a knight. I gathered a few supplies from around the house, bought a satin pillow case and some metal looking fabric and voila, Alex is a knight.

Now we're ready for Oct. 31!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Just a Swingin'

Today the kids all woke up from naps and wanted to go outside to play. I babysit a little girl named Ellie and I usually don't take her outside, but today I did. They all enjoyed being in the backyard together. Ellie even fell asleep while she was in the swing.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Tennis Lessons

Last night a homeschooling friend called and asked us to join other home school kids at the tennis court at NSU. We went, thinking it was just a time to play and goof off. We realized once we got there that Alex was going to have a lesson taught by a professional coach! There were approximately 11 kids there, ranging from 6-7 grade down to kindergarten. They had so much fun! In fact, we decided to make it a weekly outing and all 11 kids are going to start taking lessons together.

The coach is going to have a hard time with these 3!
Alex Rodriguez, Alex Conner & Alex Self
Homeschooling is COOL! :)

Monday, October 01, 2007


Bethany and Alex were swinging in the backyard and they decided to twist the swing and spin. Bethany's swing is very close to the wooden posts on our swingset and she whacked her forehead. Check out the gigantic goose egg she got on her head. I'm afraid she might have a black eye tomorrow!

Happy Birthday Lesleigh!

On Saturday we went to our cousins birthday party. Lesleigh turned 2 and had her party at Gymboree. We had so much fun. It was a great place to have a party for a preschooler. As you can see in the pictures, the kids played with a parachute, climbed on slides, bounced on everything and popped bubbles.
Thanks Lesleigh for inviting us to your party!