Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Bionic Man

Oren is getting his pump turned on Monday morning at 8:30. We are very excited. Oren had a class with the area Diabetic specialist on Friday. She showed us how to count his carbs for the pump and she taught Oren how to put it on. Once we figure out all of Oren's specifics, this pump is going to keep his blood sugar so much more stable than it has been since he was diagnosed 11 years ago. In a few months we will be able to buy the additional feature in the picture above. It is a continuous blood glucose monitor. This is the main reason we chose this pump. It will alert Oren if his blood sugar goes too high or drops too low. This is exciting! Scientists are getting closer and closer to creating a completely electronic pancreas.

Learning more and more about this pump and hearing what it can do proves to me, all the more, that we are created. There is no way our organs could know how to do all of that math without the help of God. We did not evolve!

Please pray for Oren as we learn to count his carb grams and he learns how to work the pump. God has blessed us on the financial end of all of this. We are not paying a penny for a $6000.00 machine. So,I know it is his plan for Oren to get this at this point of his life. Now we just have to figure out how much insulin he needs each day. (The diabetic specialist says that he will need less insulin now that he has the pump, which is great news.) Please pray for no dramatic lows and no sky rocketing highs.

This is an exciting time for us and we appreciate your prayers.