Sunday, May 28, 2006

Last Day of School

This past Thursday was Alex's last day of 3 year old preschool. His teacher, Ms. Sandie, took them to Pizza Hut where they got to make their own pizza and eat it for lunch. Alex had so much fun. He told me he made cheese pizza, but he put a few pepperoni's on it too. Oren said they were having so much fun that the kids couldn't stop laughing.

I am sad that our camera battery died because on Friday we went to Eunice to swim in MawMaw and PawPaw's pool. Once we were there, I realized it was Bethany's first time to really go swimming. She wasn't sure what to think about everything at first, but she warmed up to the idea after a while. When we first got in the water she was literally trying to climb on top of my head. When it was finally time to get out she was standing on my knees and not even holding on to me. She had a lot of fun. Alex was a fish! Oren and Alex were diving for toys at the bottom of the pool and Alex was jumping off of the side and touching the bottom and Oren wouldn't even help him. He was making me nervous, but he really did a good job. Now we need to find him a swim teacher. (The guy he took lessons from last year isn't teaching anymore.) This is going to be a good summer. I'm excited to get some sun and be out of school for a few months!


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