Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What A Week!

This past week our plans were to take the kids to Baton Rouge to stay with my mom while we went to West Palm Beach Florida with the youth to camp. Unfortunately plans were changed.
On our way to Florida I received a call on my cell phone. My mom was taking Bethany to the doctor. She was admitted into the hospital and stayed there for 4 days. She ended up having a virus, but the virus was making her intestines spasm, which is not good for a Hirschsprung's patient. Once we arrived in West Palm Beach I flew back to Baton Rouge to be with Bethany. I'm so glad that I went back because once I got there my mom had the virus and my step dad's mom was put into the hospital in Shreveport. Since everyone was sick, Alex went to Eunice to stay with Oren's parents where Alex got the virus and passed it on to his cousin, Lucie (who passed it on to all of her dad's family). Laura and her girls left Baton Rouge and arrived back home in Shreveport with the virus. I eventually caught it and passed it on to my Aunt Dana. Babaw's birthday bash was on Sunday, he turned 90, so while we were in Eunice we all gave the virus to my dad. So, be aware everyone this virus is potent. Days after we thought we were well we seemed to still be carrying the germs. (I don't think we are dangerous anymore because we have not passed anything to Oren!)


Blogger Smith + Long said...

Glad to hear that you guys made it back safe and sound....we sure did miss you in West Palm Beach...but I know that the Lord had you where you were needed. See you this sunday.....Love in Him, Sheralyn

July 25, 2006 3:44 PM

Blogger themcclellands said...

Gracie layed around all day on Monday. Maybe she was feeling the effects of the virus or maybe she is just lazy! Glad you guys are doing better! Hugs and Kisses...Aunt Jess

July 26, 2006 4:27 PM


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