Friday, September 14, 2007


Alex is being home schooled this year for Kindergarten and we are having so much fun! He is so smart and is learning so fast. We have even moved on to a first grade activity book for some of our lessons. In math we are learning a lot of vocabulary, such as, longer, smaller, shorter, taller, heavier, lighter, wider, thinner... Yesterday we worked on Graphing. So, for homework, we called all of the grandparents and asked them what their favorite Ice cream is. After we interviewed everyone, we made a graph.

Thanks to all of the Grandparents for helping. We now can confirm that Mint Chocolate Chip is the best! (I've been saying that since birth!)

Today Alex wrote his first complete sentence. Just to let you all know, he spelled the words by himself too!

Our classroom is perfect. It is in the garage, but we've turned it into a regular looking kindergarten class! In these pictures Oren is helping Alex do his homework.

Bethany is having a great time at school also. She is in Mrs. Cindy and Mrs. Coree's class this year. That is the last PDO class to go to, next year she'll have to go to WEE School. She is growing up so fast! She has gotten so tall over the summer. She is now the tallest child in her class. People are always asking how old she is and are shocked when I say 2. She is also wearing Big Girl Panties now! We are so proud!

We are so blessed to have such amazing kids. They are both so sweet and smart we can't stand it.

BTW-- Happy Birthday Leighe' & Lesleigh! We love ya'll!


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