Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bethany has fallen in Love!

Bethany's foot has grown since we bought her first pair of sandals earlier in the spring, so we bought her a new pair at Wal-Mart yesterday! When we got in the van after leaving the store she started throwing a fit. Oren was getting pretty aggravated because we couldn't figure out what the problem was. So, I started showing her all of the fun things we got at Wal-Mart. I showed her my new razors, Alex's new toothbrush and Oren's deodorant. She was still screaming mad. I finally took her new sandals out of the bag and she started laughing and smiling. We finally got the picture! I asked her if she wanted to put them on and she kept nodding her head until I put them on her. She has not wanted to take them off since. She even wanted to put them back on tonight after her bath. She kept saying "New Shoes", which are her first 2 words she has said together. I hope this isn't going to be a life long obsession!

Last Day of School

This past Thursday was Alex's last day of 3 year old preschool. His teacher, Ms. Sandie, took them to Pizza Hut where they got to make their own pizza and eat it for lunch. Alex had so much fun. He told me he made cheese pizza, but he put a few pepperoni's on it too. Oren said they were having so much fun that the kids couldn't stop laughing.

I am sad that our camera battery died because on Friday we went to Eunice to swim in MawMaw and PawPaw's pool. Once we were there, I realized it was Bethany's first time to really go swimming. She wasn't sure what to think about everything at first, but she warmed up to the idea after a while. When we first got in the water she was literally trying to climb on top of my head. When it was finally time to get out she was standing on my knees and not even holding on to me. She had a lot of fun. Alex was a fish! Oren and Alex were diving for toys at the bottom of the pool and Alex was jumping off of the side and touching the bottom and Oren wouldn't even help him. He was making me nervous, but he really did a good job. Now we need to find him a swim teacher. (The guy he took lessons from last year isn't teaching anymore.) This is going to be a good summer. I'm excited to get some sun and be out of school for a few months!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Trip to the Airport

Alex's class had a field trip today. I took a few hours off of work and was able to go with them. We had fun. We went to the Natchitoches airport! The kids even got to sit in one of the airplanes. We saw a small passenger plane and a crop duster. Alex was exited to tell the pilot that he has seen crop dusters before and that he has even cut rice and driven a tractor. They really enjoyed talking to the "real" pilots.

When we left the airport we went to the park and let the kids play for a while and they had a picnic.
Once we arrived back at the church I went into Bethany's class and took some pictures of them during their lunch time. We only have 2 days of school left before we're out for the summer, so I wanted to get some pictures.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Aren't They cute!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Nap Time!

This week has been crazy. We've been running the roads everyday. Tuesday morning I had a Dr. appointment before Parents Day Out and Bethany had one in Shreveport aftert school. Wednesday's are always busy. We have school, come home take a nap, go back to church and get home around 9:00. Today is no exception. We woke up late and were running around trying to get ready for school. We finally got to school and it was Ms. Leigh's birthday and practice day for our program on Sunday. When school was over we had to go to Wal-Mart because I have a meeting I need to get ready for that is at 6:00 tonight. Now that we are home, the kids are napping and I finished writing all of my Princess Retreat thank you notes, so it's "down time" for a little while.
I love nap time!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Today has been nice. I was awaken by breakfast in bed and Alex told me he loves me (That was the best part of the day). Then we got ready for church. Church was great. My Sunday School class seemed alive and they actually interacted. We even had 2 visitors! Worship is always good at our church. Brother Tommy's messages are so great to listen to and I love to sing praise songs to God. After church we went out to eat at an Italian restaurant then we went home and everyone took a nap (AWESOME!). When we woke up we went back to church. We ate supper at Sonic with some of the youth and now we're at home getting ready for bed. It's been a good day.

OH! I almost forgot. My family gave me a pair of beautiful pearl earrings for my Mother's Day gift. I am so blessed. I love them very much.

We also love all of our Mom's and Grandmom's. Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Busy Day

Today has been busy. We had a VBS planning meeting this morning from 9:00 - 11:30, after that Alex had a birthday party to go to. It was fun, but very hot. When the party was over we came home and Alex went down for a nap as Bethany was waking up from hers. We cleaned the house until around 5:00. It is now time to get ready for a Honey-Do shower that Oren and I are going to. Uncle Gil and Aunt Kay are taking care of the kids tonight. They always have alot of fun with the kids. That is about all. Not much to talk about, but it keeps us busy!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Friday is Fun Day

Friday's are so much fun in our house. Oren & I don't work on Friday so today, after everyone caught up on their sleep, we went on a picnic. We all got in the van and headed to Chaplin Lake at Northwestern. We had a good time. We laid our picnic blanket on the ground and handed out the food. I think Alex is going through a growth spurt because he is eating more than he ever has. Bethany can eat just as much, I hope she doesn't go through a growth spurt anytime soon. I don't think we could feed them if they both eat that much at the same time.

After we ate we just laid on the blanket and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Bethany wanted to get close to the water so bad, but of course, we didn't let her. After we were there for a while, Alex realized he needed to go the restroom. Oren let him go in the lake and Alex thought it was so cool!

We finally left the lake and we took Alex to the "Hall Tree" a clothing store here in Natchitoches. Alex needed to get sized for the tuxedo he will be wearing in a wedding in June. He is going to be so cute. I'm just afraid he's going to want all the attention on him while he walks down the aisle.

After wearing everyone out, we went home and both of the kids took naps until 5:00. We love Friday!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mother's Day Party

Today Alex's class had the most precious party for all of the children's mothers. We arrived at 9:00 am and had some delicious breakfast food, including fruit cabobs made by the children. We sat at the little tables in their room and ate while the kids made sure we had what we needed. Next, the children sat on the floor and did their normal morning routine. They began with counting the days on the calendar and saying their months. Next, they said the pledge of allegiance...Alex got to be the helper and hold the flag. Then they sang about 4 songs, of course Alex sang the loudest. Last, they gave us a hug and a kiss and passed out the gifts they had made for us during the week. It was so sweet!

Grandmothers, we hope you all have a great day on Sunday. Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Our New Chair

We got our new chair this week. The kids love it. Three of us can sit in the chair at a time. It's Huge. Alex has gotten in trouble a few times from jumping off of the chair or couch onto the ottoman (sounds like something I would have done when I was his age!). Bethany is doing good staying out of the living room with her sippy cups. We want to get her into the habit of staying in the kitchen with drinks now before she goes to "big girl" cups in a few years.

The chair is very comfortable. I took a 2 hour nap in it yesterday (I'm taking medicine that makes me sleepy). Oren has been sitting in it to read at night. So, we're all enjoying it very much.

Alex's class has been learning about community leaders. Last week his class went to the fire station and Oren had the opportunity to go along. They had a really good time and Alex loved seeing the station and watching the firemen sliding down the pole. He was so proud of himself later that afternoon and was excited to tell me that he wasn't afraid to touch the fireman like a lot of his other classmates were. At the fire station they encouraged the kids to touch the fireman and not to be afraid in case they ever need to be rescued.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Picture Day

Today was picture day at school for both of the kids. Alex looked too cute with his hair spiked and Bethany is always so beautiful with her bows in her hair. Alex smiled pretty for his picture but Bethany was a little afraid of the lights, but their pictures will be adorable. I took a class picture with all 11 kids in my 1-2 year old class...what fun! Some of the kids cried, but they did good overall. I am excited for all of the pictures to arrive.

Note to all Grandparents: on May 21, 2006 the FBC WEE program will be having a special service and fellowship during the night worship service at church. You are all invited. We'd love to see you there!

Sorry that I have not posted pictures yet, but I'll learn to do that later.

Test Run

This is my first time to enter into the world of Blogging!
I am doing this mainly for grandparents to see their sweet grandkids!!!